Embracing the Journey: A Reflection on Faith and Education

October 23, 2024

But the one whose genealogy is not traced from them collected a tenth from Abraham and blessed the one who had the promises. Hebrews 7:6 

In Hebrews 7:6, we are reminded of the profound connections within our spiritual heritage as we trace the lineage of faith back to Abraham. This passage resonates deeply with me, especially as I reflect on my own transformative journey at 27.  I found my life irrevocably changed by two remarkable figures: Jesus Christ and my future wife, a devoted follower of Him.

I wandered for years, celebrated by the world as a free spirit but, in truth, lost. It was during that pivotal year—after meeting both Jesus and my wife—that I realized I had merely admired Christ without truly following Him. This revelation unfolded amidst a consistent message I encountered in more than 20 churches: the call to die to self.

Now, married and settling into life in Muncie, Indiana, I sought to deepen my faith at Union Chapel, a vibrant church with over 1,000 members. Eager to join a Bible study, I faced the challenge of balancing my new job with my spiritual growth. In God’s timing, I discovered a Thursday afternoon study.

I remember entering the room to find three men—Bill, Bill, and Jesse—engaged in lively discussion. One Bill was navigating his newly transplanted organs, the other Bill struggled with glaucoma, and Jesse sported a striking prayer cap and a wild beard. As I listened, Jesse brought up Hebrews 7, exploring the mysteries of Melchizedek. This piqued my curiosity. Yet, I was even more intrigued when Bill, sensing my presence, invited me to join them.

What struck me most was Bill’s understanding of our study’s direction. He acknowledged Jesse’s thoughts but gently redirected the conversation back to the focus, that focus was a message of dying to self. It was here, in that humble gathering, that I began to truly know Jesus as my Lord.

Reflecting on that moment 21 years later, I am grateful for Bill’s sensitivity to my spiritual needs. At Heritage Christian Academy, we strive to emulate this approach. Our teachers are not only experts in their subjects but also trained to meet students where they are in their faith journey. We echo Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 2:1-2, emphasizing that our foundation rests in knowing Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

We aim to proclaim the gospel daily at HCA. Our hope is anchored in His resurrection, our lives are guided by His teachings, and our mission is to share His message with passion. This commitment is central to pursuing school God’s way.

May we all be blessed as we seek to know Jesus more deeply each day, recognizing the transformative power of His love in our lives and the lives of our students.

Jason Miner

Jason Miner, Chief Administrator at Heritage Christian Academy, has been serving and leading in Christian education since 2009.  Partnering with families to raise their kids to become lifelong servants of Christ and achieve their God given potential.