Christian School: Tokens of Perfect Love

October 4, 2024

“For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Therefore, you are to be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

Matthew 5:46-48

Mark Twain once said, “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.”

In 2000, at the age of 24 and not yet a follower of Christ, I embarked on a transformative journey to South America. My intent was to work on a book idea, but what I found went far beyond inspiration for my writing.

During my two months exploring Peru and Bolivia, I experienced the profound impact of being an outsider—an alien in a land where I barely spoke the language and looked entirely different from the locals. I learned what it felt like to be observed, yet not truly known. One memorable encounter was in Lima where a group of schoolchildren surrounded me, their laughter ringing in the air.

With their school uniforms and bright smiles, they began to jump one by one, each trying to match my height. It was a simple, joyful moment—a genuine attempt to connect despite our language barrier. As we struggled to communicate in our elementary Spanish and English, a beautiful exchange unfolded. These children, eager to share their world with me, offered me  gifts: a hair ribbon and a school shield pin that they wrote on with simple Spanish words of love.

I took these tokens and tied the ribbon to my backpack and pinned the shield to it as well, cherishing it as a symbol of our connection. At that moment, I felt truly welcomed in a foreign land. The simplicity of their gesture struck me profoundly; it was a token of love that transcended our differences.

Those two months opened my eyes to the fullness of humanity. While I had never harbored prejudice, I had never truly understood its implications until that journey. Today I realize a beautiful truth in this memory, that is that Jesus’ call is like this. He calls us to love beyond our immediate circles. A challenge we must actively embrace. It beckons us to engage with, embrace, and even love those who seem unlovable.

In a world rife with division, it’s easy to focus on our differences. We might feel tempted to stay within our safe territories, defending our comfort zones. Yet, the radical love Jesus speaks of invites us to take a different path. Imagine walking up to someone who looks different from you—sharing a smile, a laugh, and perhaps even a token of love. How perfect is that?

At Heritage Christian Academy, we strive for this perfect love, even while recognizing that we fall short. We sometimes say things we shouldn’t, form cliques, and unintentionally exclude others. But as leaders of this incredible community of students, we refuse to accept these limitations. We see the capacity for love that our kids possess and many times produce, and it often brings tears to my eyes.

Our journey isn’t just about reaching perfection, it’s about pursuing it together. At Heritage, we are committed to Pursuing School God’s Way—creating an environment where love is abundant and diverse connections are celebrated. We’re learning that every token of love shared, no matter how small, is a step toward the perfect love that our Heavenly Father exemplifies.

So let’s embrace this challenge together. Let’s step out of our comfort zones and share tokens of love that reflect the heart of Christ. In doing so, we’ll not only enrich our own lives but also foster a community that mirrors the perfect love we are called to embody.

Jason Miner

Jason Miner, Chief Administrator at Heritage Christian Academy, has been serving and leading in Christian education since 2009.  Partnering with families to raise their kids to become lifelong servants of Christ and achieve their God given potential.