Faith Beyond 55: Trusting God to do More
February 7, 2025
“I have seen a limit to all perfection, but your commandment is exceedingly broad.”
Psalm 119:96
In 1974, the Nixon administration implemented “The National Maximum Speed Limit” of 55 mph on all interstate roads. This was primarily in response to the national oil crisis, with the hope that the limitation would conserve fuel. Ten years later, Sammy Hagar captured the nation’s sentiment toward this restriction with his song, I Can’t Drive 55.
We do not like to be limited. As I near 50 years of age, I have begun to recognize and compile some emerging limitations of my own. This year, I introduced bifocals—or “cheaters”—to better see when I read. I started with one pair and now own four so that they are always available when I need them. Over the past 10 years, I have transitioned from an accomplished runner to watching my run times decline, eventually developing plantar fasciitis in my right foot. Despite a year of different treatments, I still cannot run. So now, I walk. I still hope to run again, but at least I can walk.
We don’t like to be limited, but no matter what we prefer or think, we are indeed limited. The psalmist acknowledges this reality and humbly accepts it. Yet in his acceptance, he proclaims an astounding truth: Though we are limited, God is limitless. Here we stand on the precipice, asking for expansion, correction, and blessing—that our loaves and fish would feed thousands, that our feeble hands would build kingdoms, and that our faint words would convert millions.
How glorious it is that, when surrendered to the Lord, we are no longer bound by limitations! Often, our physical limitations lead us to limit God in our minds. Take heart and ask God to enlarge your heart. Look around you in your own life and see what He has done. Look right here at HCA and see His mighty works. In the five years I have been here, I have witnessed God’s faithfulness firsthand.
Through the work of our teachers and staff, I have seen many students deepen their faith and broaden their horizons as they better understand God’s call on their lives. I have watched seniors step into opportunities they never expected, only to see God make a way. I have seen students in need of a faith-filled community find new life in their academic journey and thrive. I have witnessed an innovative form of education literally blossom in our greenhouse. I have seen a mortgage paid off and campus updates completed, all in the midst of a challenging economy. The power of God is amazing.
This Saturday marks our annual board retreat where we will focus on two main areas: 1) next year’s budget and 2) the long-range plan for school development. Every year this is a prayerful time in which I see both limitations and potential. I truly love praying through the creation of the budget and long-term goals, then refining the vision with our godly board members. This plan, like all plans, has limits. If I am not careful, I can focus too much on these and cry out, I don’t want to drive 55! But I am challenging myself—and our community—as we look to next year: May God take our plans and do immeasurably more.
Please pray for our time together this weekend. God bless you all!

Jason Miner
Jason Miner, Chief Administrator at Heritage Christian Academy, has been serving and leading in Christian education since 2009. Partnering with families to raise their kids to become lifelong servants of Christ and achieve their God given potential.