Lessons Learned From a Christian School

Acts 28:30-31

September 23, 2024

For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance! Acts 28:30-31

When it comes to taking apart an old car, one of the biggest challenges is rusty bolts. I enjoy working on cars, and to try and navigate this challenge, my favorite tool is Triflo. This miracle lubricant has a low viscosity and it penetrates deep into stuck grooves. All I have to do is spray a little and wait. Often after about 15 minutes, when I put my wrench on the nut and give it a slow strong pull, I start to feel it move and it becomes unhindered by the rust and grime.

Sharing the gospel with those who have not embraced the truth of Jesus Christ is the hardest easy thing to do. It is hard because sometimes all we want to do is jump in and dump the truth on someone. It is also hard because sometimes we want to share our own opinions on what should go along with the gospel. These things can hinder the gospel. The Triflo of the gospel of Jesus Christ is simply this: the story of Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, and the announcement that Jesus brought the reign of God to Earth.

This amazing hope is spread by us that have this hope rising in us more and more everyday. When we share how this message is changing us with others, we are used by the Holy Spirit as a Triflo that breaks down the rust of resistance. This is similar to what Luke records about Paul at the end of the book of Acts when he says the Gospel is unhindered.

At Heritage Christian Academy, I want the Gospel to be unhindered. We live in a world with many important topics that need to be discussed and informed by our faith, but these topics should not overwhelm our faith, or even worse, hinder the presentation of the Gospel.

There is so much hindering good, positive conversation. This election cycle has so many of us on edge and it is often disappointing to see our leaders unable to debate with respect and clarity. As I see this troubling picture, I love to look at our future leaders at HCA. These are your kids. Our hope for them is that we partner with you in teaching them humility, respect, and the importance of the Gospel.

In this hope, we want their opinions to be shaped by the Gospel.  We want to teach them to never lead with their opinions, but to lead by the Gospel. Our country was built by many faithful men and women. We need more good godly leaders. Thanks for giving us an opportunity with your kids to help them become those kingdom minded world changers!

Jason Miner

Jason Miner, Chief Administrator at Heritage Christian Academy, has been serving and leading in Christian education since 2009.  Partnering with families to raise their kids to become lifelong servants of Christ and achieve their God given potential.